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Meet the Innovator: Cody Eckert

Dec 3rd
9:00 - 10:00
Meet the Innovator: Cody Eckert

Cody Eckert is the Director of Global Operations for MUN Impact, a non-profit committed to engaging youth who participate in Model United Nations to take action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. MUN Impact accomplishes this through its online educational programming, youth leadership incubation, resource-sharing, and by providing a platform for disparate youth networks to meet, learn, and work together on shared objectives. Since March, MUN Impact’s initiatives have reached over 25,000 students in 120 countries. In his role, he oversees over one hundred youth volunteers who run the bulk of their activities, explores new opportunities for collaboration, and manages technical logistics for their online events and programs. Cody is a proud Californian who was educated at UC Berkeley and received a Master of Public Policy from the National University of Singapore. Additionally, he has worked in China, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, and Qatar.

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