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Impact Hub Networking: Innovations in Quality Remote Education (SDG 4)

Dec 8th
19:00 - 20:00
Impact Hub Networking: Innovations in Quality Remote Education (SDG 4)

The blistering pace of innovation in education has accelerated further during the COVID19 crisis. What is the future of education, remote education, and lifelong learning? What are new ways we can think about the role of technology, content creation, and inclusion in education to advance the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals?

Join the U.S. Impact Hub network for our first virtual networking event around “Innovation in Remote Education”.

The session will be structured as below:

7:00-7:15pm A brief landscape overview from Fernando Reimers, Ford Foundation Professor of Practice in International Education and the Faculty Director, International Education Policy at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

7:15-8:00pm: Curated breakout sessions with practitioners, entrepreneurs, academics and others committed to achieving SDG 4: Quality Education. Come learn from, collaborate with and connect to others working towards this goal.

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